Friday, May 02, 2003
Early May and tomorrow I am off to Albuquerque to visit my son and his girlfriend. Looks as though it will be rainy in Harrisburg and cloudy and windy in Albuquerque with some rain. That must be a rarity in Albuquerque and of course it rains on my vacation!
I am leaving for vacation on a sour note. I gave some untested code to a collegue to try in a production environment because this is the last time she would be able to give input into the process before she retires. She complained to my boss and really didn't say anything to me! I was hurt because I considerED her a friend. I apologized to my boss for making the mess and suggested that the business analyst with whom I work, who is supposed to be testing, should be freed up to do more testing instead of stuffing envelopes and changing addresses! He agreed. Oh well, another sorry paragraph in Rosalind's tale of woe. May all suffering amount to this!!!
We had a huge thunderstorm last night. One clap of thunder was so loud that I jumped. I was engrossed in a good movie so I did not want to turn the television off. But when I jumped, I switched the channel and I missed the turning point of the plot of the movie! Dang. I will have to watch it another time, least the ending anyway.
The dogs, the cat, the girls (Brandi was visiting) and I were all on the bed together. But the worst was over after that huge clap of thunder and soon we took Brandi home. Kimberly didn't drive because of the weather. She feels a little hexed because Brandi and then another girl from the barn have had accidents. Also Brandi's mother's boyfriend had an accident. Kimberly doesn't want to take any chances. She wants that license in July!
I am depressed. Nothing is really good or really bad in my life. I am living a quiet, obscure life - staying in the shadows as much as possible. I have just a few links to others, mainly Ron and Kimberly. I should have accomplished much more. I wanted to discover something new. I did publish one article about using Powerbuilder datawindows in ASP ( Maybe I will write another about an OLE link to MS Word in a PB application. It is working quite well now. That will pick up my spirits!
Rosalind 1:10 PM
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