///Mind Bleed///

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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Well, the days are getting longer now as we head inexorable toward the spring equinox. Yesterday, John Kerry won the Wisconsin primary and there was a terrible train derailment and explosion in Iran this morning as well as two car bombs in Iraq on a coalition headquarters. Gays and lesbians continue to marry in San Fransisco as two judges delayed ruling on the matter.

The new member of our family, Missy the mutt, whom we took in, is going to be spayed this morning. My officemate, struggles with the imminent death of her father-in-law who agonizingly clings to life. Kimberly is going to school late as she was sick all night and couldn't sleep and when she finally took some medicine, it just knocked her out. Ron has still not been called back to work. I do enjoy him being home although he gets quite antsy!

And my life, very happily, spins on without any major difficulties. I have not been very good about my exercise program at Curves, but I have been walking almost everyday. With my officemate out of the office, I have a bit more responsibility and I hope nothing happens to the network. My new subsystems are up and running and making life easier for the employees here.

I have decided to try a Botox injection. I go tomorrow afternoon after work. It is rather expensive and I am not sure that it is worth the expense, but I will give it a try. My 55th birthday has come and gone. It seems so impossible! Me, 55! Time as gone by in a snap.

I don't look forward to a life review at the end of my days. There are choices and actions that I regret. But one must move on and try to better oneself. Of, course there are choices and actions from which I gain a sense of satisfaction, but it is strange how the negative things keep popping into mind when I am introspective or in prayer. Some say it is a good idea to make reparations for those wrongs, but to me, stirring up old waters for my soul cleansing does not seem like a good idea. Better to carry them to my grave. Of course, they were not such terrible things either, just things that bother me and may have hurt, but not damaged irreparably, other people. I have absorbed my share of pain inflicted by others, too. So it balances out, I guess. It is a conundrum worth prayer.

Rosalind 9:09 AM

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