Monday, August 23, 2004
The summer almost over -- hard to believe it went so fast. Ron, Kimberly, Brandi and I returned from a vacation in Ruidoso, NM late on August 14th. We visited with Ray and Susan while we were there. We did so many things: went to the racetrack, casino, ate out, went to White Sands, shopped, went horsebackriding, miniature golfing, go-carting, exercised, swam, hot-tubbed, drove around NM, had pedicures, hiked with Ray's dogs, fixed up Ray's driveway and helped him clean up his yard.
Ruidoso is quite lovely, very different than the desert scrub areas of the Albuquerque region. Ruidoso had tall pine trees covering the mountains. The little town in nestled in the valley. The mountain of the gods is gorgeous, especially when viewed from the Mescalero Apache Reservation. The racetrack puts Penn National at Grantville. PA to shame. I would go back there. The condo was on the top of a ridge with the porch and master bedroom looking out over the mountains, quite lovely and relaxing.
Christopher, my dog, fared quite well during my absence. I had some worries but he is very resilient. He had an operation for cancer of the nose in late June and is still here! I am so thankful. Yesterday he and the two other dogs, Missy and Barkie, walked with me around the yard many times. It was beautiful out. Missy and Christopher love to chase after sticks -- Barkie just eats them -- then throws up!
Perhaps I overdid it with Chris though. He appeared to have more trouble breathing than usual last night. I cried as I petted him as he lay on his back and struggled to get air through his clogged upper nose. I wash the nostrils as often as necessary to keep them clear. Lying on his back seems to drain whatever it is clogging him up, down the back of his throat. Even with all his troubles, when I talked to him, his tail started wagging. I will miss him so!
I bought a new Oreck vacuum this weekend and canceled the cleaning lady. She dida terrible job, but it was hard work cleaning the house. It took much labor on Saturday and Sunday and I still am not done! I am going to try and make a schedule to spend a half hour or hour every day doing the cleaning so it doesn't get to be too big of a weekend job.
After Labor Day, Ron is going to start working out of town again. He enjoys it, but I do NOT. He likes the money, the nights out with the boys...
Kimberly starts her last year of high school next week. Time has sure zoomed by. I first met her in February of her third grade year! I hardly see her now. She is so busy with her friends, her horses, her cousins and aunt and work.
I finally cleaned my pool up. It took hours to get all the purple sediment out of the pool after the water heater leaked chemicals. But the heater is beyond repair, so the water is only 72 degrees. That is a good temperature for laps, but it is hard to force oneself to get into the water!
I set up another RCI trip to visit Kitty Hawk, NC in October. It might be a little lonely but there is so much to do there that I don't think that I will mind at all. I am looking forward to that
So much going on in the world -- but I continue in my little life, hoping that all goes well. I work, shop, vacation, take care of my home, keep in touch with family and friends, keep abreast of politics, the world situation and the latest news. I certainly never did anything important or anything to make me famous or make great wealth. It has been a little life, but a life pretty well lived. Well... there have been a few mistakes here and there, but in general it has not been a mess.
I watched What Dreams May Come again, the movie written by Richard Matheson, with Robin Williams. I loved it even better on DVD. I would like my afterlife to be beautiful like that with Christopher bounding around amidst the gorgeous wildflowers -- that hopefully won't be oil paint! I watched the director's commentary version afterwards until I fell asleep -- very New Age.
Well, that is what is happening to me right now. 'Till next time.
Rosalind 1:57 PM
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