///Mind Bleed///

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Three Days

Three days to go and off to college,

Room full of boxes and stuff.

Standing on the brink of adulthood, independence

Future unknown, stretching far as thought can imagine.

Possibilities, which road to take, choices, how should I travel…

To do it over again, nah… not in this lifetime anyway.

Rosalind 8:17 AM

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Walk

It took its toll; too far, glad my pre-arranged ride showed up early.

Even Missy, my canine companion, the tireless Frisbee chaser, was drained.

We luxuriated in the air-conditioned car, soft cushions massaged my body, she stretched out in the rear of the SUV.

Exercise and bonding, a satisfying day.

Rosalind 10:27 AM

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Reflections on a Summer Eventide

The red sun slid below the tree line. The horses quietly grazed.

I drove home - windows, moon roof wide-open, tree frogs, insects a cacophonous symphony.

Past the farmer’s fallow field flickering with fireflies, a lone silhouette of a deer warily watched.

Iraq war? My shame red as the sun.

Rosalind 10:55 AM

Monday, August 01, 2005

Auburn Revisited

It was a memorial service, remembrance of Ken and Rene.

I offered the philodendron that had outlived its owner to the daughter.

I was an ex-daughter-in-law, with auburn hair; she had let hers go natural.

The present, now the past, was a green gift promising a color-filled future.

Rosalind 1:56 PM

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