///Mind Bleed///

my web site /// 50 word fiction///

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Monday, September 19, 2005

The Extraordinary Journey

Meditation, prayer, silence -

To clearly understand my actions, thoughts:


Those befitting a child of God?

Somewhere in-between?

‘Tis a journey with a plan, commitment, enlightenment

To actualize discovery, transformation, dissemination -

To finally step into the light, having found and fulfilled the

Purpose for which I was created.

Rosalind 10:32 AM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Thoughts on a Disaster

Ron and I had never visited during Mardi Gras as he had wanted.

I knew no one there.

But still transfixed, glued to CNN, the devastation and tragedy pour

Into my awareness, much like Lake Pontchartrain into New Orleans.

Payday tomorrow, wanting to help, guilt to assuage, I type,


Rosalind 11:24 AM

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