Monday, June 26, 2006
Why was the tree in the Garden of Eden called the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil"? If the tree were of evil only, it would be easily identified. It is the knowledge of good and evil combined, confused which is the problem!
Nothing in the world is entirely good or bad, every choice, every decision has a cost, and in many ordeals the combination of factors on either side of the moral choice is so complex that we respond with paralysis. The most dangerous forms of falsehood are those which contain almost all truth -- they are the most deceptive.
Our lives require the separating of good from bad, extracting the pure, the spiritual, the good and rejecting the evil, exposing it for what it is.
Our life's work is to strive for this clarity.
More often life is a halting, faltering business -- three steps ahead today, two backwards tomorrow, and so often no more than helpless circles -- with the dismay of crossing our own tracks repeatedly.
From Doubt and Certainty by Rabbi Akiva Tatz
And so, in what circles am I caught? Most decidedly they are that of clarifying the meaning and future of my personal relationships and that of coming to terms with my heritage.
Larger questions seem philosophical, perhaps even hypothetical, and although captivating in nature, they do not effect my inner core -- the "who am I", "what plan of action should I follow", "am I leading a good life" type questions that expose my true nature.
And what of good works? Clearly the Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, Princess Diana, Bono and Ted Turner charitable works are out of my league. Will good works follow the collapse of the confines of my circles of confusion? There seems a certainty to that statement.
Personal Relationships
Sad to say, but none of my personal relationships are deeply woven into the fabric of my life. Their essence could be absorbed to dye a pattern, but for now, they are bubbles of color floating nearby but there is no merging. Will a gorgeous design or cacophony of color ever enhance the blankness and end the aloneness?
Ron Hold steady for now, try to motivate him to examine his life and its meaning, help him to find a purpose Kimberly Be open when she is ready and be willing to lend a hand Ray and Amanda Be open when they are ready and be willing to lend a hand Bruce, Mary, Kristi Stay in touch, don't expect too much Sonya, Harriet, Abby, Chelsea Try to reopen the doors of communication Norma Make more connections Eddie and Cindy Expand the communication that was opened with my recent visit Diane and Ivan and family Build on our bond Lynn Keep communicating Fariha Keep communicating Lisette Try to develop a friendship Carol and Fred Keep the doors open for a closer friendship Dan Have an open ear but otherwise keep at a distance Charlie Stay far away but be there if he would really need me Dave, Gail and Hank Don't break the fragile string Marianne and Tom Try again to open a door to acquaintanceship Joan and Tom Call and/or visit Sharon Let go, she wasn't a friend Marianne Let go, she isn't a friend
After my fling with learning Spanish and my visit to Mexico, I should try to learn and read Hebrew and visit Israel. I doubt that I would ever become a practicing Jew as I can not abide a male-dominated religion and I don't believe that following a regime of tradition and rules is a path to meaning.
But I DO believe in the search for meaning, the love of learning and debate, the taking on of mitzvahs and the deep connection with a higher power that my heritage has given me. These I MUST explore more thoroughly. It is after all, MY heritage.
Rosalind 11:30 AM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Who are you?
I am an eternal soul on a quest to increase my capacity to love and to do good.
What is love?
Love is the building up of another so as to increase their capacity to build up another so as to increase their capacity to build up another so as to...
What is to do good?
To do good is to increase the capacity of the environment to nourish beings so that they may increase their capacity to love and to increase the capacity of the environment to nourish beings so that they may increase their capacity to love and to increase the capacity of the environment to nourish beings so that...
Rosalind 2:44 PM
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