///Mind Bleed///

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Monday, June 04, 2007

Quickly time flies,
Joy, disappointment, health, sickness, love, heartbreak
All run together in time's flow.

My mark I did not leave
Only the headstone will record the stay
And that only for awhile.

There still remains today and perhaps the next
To discover my uniqueness, my special giving
So few to hear my song and fewer yet to enjoy.

One of the faceless in the mass of humanity
Rushing across our universe at unimaginable speed
All aboard the spaceship earth.

And in the end, the faceless or not
To what purpose? Are our souls eternal?
On a journey towards...what?

To feel the breeze upon my face,
The stroke of my lover's hand,
The perfume of lilacs in spring,

The glory of the sudden rainbow,
The symphony of bird song at dawn,
The texture, taste, aroma of a special meal.

That is all I know, the rest beyond my ken.
Yet to grasp that gossamer "what"
Arouses my inner life to discover

That quiet pool of knowing,
Hidden in the recesses of my soul
And in the enveloping brightness of the Higher Power.

Rosalind 11:53 AM

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