///Mind Bleed///

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Friday, August 01, 2008

It was unexpected, these feelings.
Drifting away while kissing, wanting to touch and be touched, what happened to the Ice Queen?
Melted by the tall leanness, the strong biceps, the long back, the vee going to the shoulders,
A certain warmth, closeness about his persona,
An interest in people's lives, responsibility toward his sons,
And his dreaming -- ideas of what could be done -- yet a boyish inability to get it accomplished.

Could a more mature woman, infatuated, help him realize his ambitions?
Or would she just be used? Made the fool by her longing to be in love?
Go slowly, carefully, advises the cautious side of her nature.
But you might ruin it with your hesitancy, the child in her shouts!
Enjoy it in the NOW, realize you could be hurt,
But savor the rare exquisiteness of this moment the thinking adult counsels.

Yes, dear Mike...that is the path.
I will savor the rare exquisiteness of this moment.
Will you accompany me on this delicious walk?

Rosalind 10:45 AM

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