Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Is it the beginning of the end Or just the end of the beginning? Moving into the next stage - Tricky, takes careful, graceful Stepping midst swirling emotions: Fear of unfamiliar arrangements, Roaring insecurities, Raging longing for what was.
Like a chess game, Opening moves done What next? A quick lunge Into new territory or a Battening down of defenses? Take a solid stance of strength, Counter with a thrust Or move quietly for position?
Is a relationship a constant Balancing of wants and Needs of each individual? Or is there really an US that is Forged in the give and take So necessary in the growing of A caring, mutually satisfying Bond between two people?
And the nature of that bond? Certainly enjoyable sex, Real pleasure in the happiness of the other, Each equally working to keep the magic alive. Sharing activities, moments - yet leeway for The other to move in his or her own direction, Sometimes individual desires sacrificed, Without resentment, to build the US.
Is this the new stage? Middle or end game? Does this make or break the relationship? Can we give each other room yet Nurture the warmth and glow of intimacy? We walk the narrow, rocky path Between a you and me and an US, Strangers groping in the night or A twosome, eagerly growing love.
Friends give strange advice; Pussy whipped and such Go hunting, fishing whenever Don't be a handyman! Both must give or the other dries up Cooking, washing, cleaning suddenly A chore - activities with kids a bother, Bending to please stiffens to not being used.
No passive-aggressive tactics, No fights to find the space you want. Just do...but remember to give The things that I need, Your love, attention, strength and know-how. I am easy to please, I flower in sunshine, and I give and give in very special ways.
It takes two to dance the pas de deux To build a relationship, To forge that bond, to make an US. If you want the solo life To pursue the things you want, Just say... and voila! You are free! It has happened before and I will survive to love another day...
Rosalind 2:21 PM
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