Tuesday, March 10, 2009
60 in '09 and I am the happiest that I have been in a very long time. Love is still making an impact on my life. I enjoy giving. I am full of energy.
Mike was talking on the phone with his friend John, and he asked Mike if living with me was worth the long trip to work . Mike answered with a resounding YES! I believe he was very sincere in his response although I joked that it was just because I was sitting right there.
We are slowly doing things around the house. Last weekend we worked on the garage. Mike put up two steel selves and most of the loose stuff is off the floor. I am going to buy some paint and hardware and we will fix up the cabinets. Mike sees the garage as HIS place. That is OK with me.
Ron is coming to pick up much of his stuff in the next few weeks. Kimberly had her baby girl. She is healthy but small. Brandi is buying Kimberly's trailer. Her grandfather died a month ago and he had taken out a second mortgage on the house. Brandi can't afford that but he did leave her the proceeds of his 401K. Changes, changes, changes...
We had a good vacation in Alexandria, despite the cold,snowy weather. We visited Mount Vernon and had Thai dinners delivered to the hotel on Sunday, March 1. We played chess and played chess and then had lunch at Joe Theisman's on Monday. We celebrated with 4 Irish coffees between us - $32 for the drinks alone. Oh well...it was fun to celebrate being together.
Chess and more chess and after a lazy morning, Mike took the Metro back to Greenbelt to pick up his car and go home. I shopped up and down King Street getting all the way down to the Potomac and back buying just small stuff. I had lunch at a French restaurant. It was delicious and made the day special even though I was alone.
On Tuesday I took the Metro into D.C. I visited the archives - nothing really to see there except for some almost blank parchment. But I bought facsimiles of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaraton of Independence. Then I walked over to the Newseum. It was interesting and I spent 5 hours wandering around the exhibits. The architecture of the building itself didn't seem to fit well into the Mall area of DC - too much glass for the mostly stone buildings of the vicinity. There were lots of videos, a spectacular view of the Capitol, an exhibit of Pulizer Prize photos and pieces of the Berlin Wall. The extensive history of the news was a bit too much even for me. I sort of glanced at some of the displays. A good day. I finished up at the Hard Times Cafe in Alexandria with hot wings, fries and Bud Lights. I talked with my bar neighbor. It was something that I would have given my eye teeth to have happen 10 months earlier. But on our walk to our respective residences, I told him that I was in a relationship and we just said good-bye.
On Wednesday, I was out of the hotel by 9:30 AM and stopped at the Arlington National Cemetary on my way home. I paid my respects to Jack and Jackie Kennedy, their babies and RFK too. Then I walked up the hill to see the Robert E. Lee home. It was undergoing renovations so it was just the structure itself - with pictures of the furnished rooms. It certainly was not as grand as Mount Versnon, but of course after the Civil War there was no more slave labor. A place the size of Mount Vernon simply could not be run very well without slave labor - or very cheap labor! A surprise - Robert E. Lee is a direct descendant of Martha Washington! Always room to learn.
I bought a Civil War DVD and also went to see the changing of the guard ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The day was sunny but cold. I got my exercise with my walk around the resting place of so many warriors and their family members. I arrived home around 2:30 PM and had time to walk the dog and enjoy the sunshine. It was wonderful to hug and kiss my Mike when he came home.
Another good day! 60 in '09!
Rosalind 9:06 AM
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