Thursday, July 16, 2009
A good thought this morning as I stood on the balcony of the RCI exchange condominium on Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. It must have been the soothing sound of the waves, the serenity of the dunes, the sound of crickets giving way to birdsong...Anyway, here goes.
What is the meaning of life? There is none, we have to find our own meaning. Each moment is thread in the tapestry of our lives, the great artwork of our existence. What we can hope for is that we leave our time here making the world just a little better; that we helped build the positive, creative, nuturing, lovingkind aspects of our little spaceship; our little spaceship hurtling through the vastness of the multi-universe.
Wee creatures we be, but with the minds to contemplate it all. Magnificence! May I do honor to humanity's gifts.
Rosalind 10:00 AM
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