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Thursday, October 06, 2011

It has been so long since I have written to this blog. I have long since quit my long-term job, worked out of town for 6 months, and I am now back working in Hershey. Life has gone on. Mike and I are doing fine. I built a sunroom off of the bedroom. I spend alot of time in there. My tv is there along with a comfortable recliner. I do have my desk in there too as I am continuing to take classes to get myself ready for working on a PhD as soon as I retire. I have no idea about a thesis, but I am hoping that once I am immersed in the intellectual atmosphere of the university system, that a golden idea will emerge from a freshly stimulated brain!

Snowball, my cat, has a thyroid problem, but otherwise he is fine. Missy, my dog, has grown fat and much less active in her old age, but she is still healthy. Suela, my granddaughter is growing so quickly. Her other grandmother is sick so she and Amanda, my ex-daughter-in-law are living back with Suela's grandparent's home to help out. I have gotten back in to touch with Kimberly and I babysat for her two children, Colin and Aubree last month. Ray is still unfriendly. I am in touch with my first cousins occasionally and I visited Bruce this summer. Kristi is in her sophomore year at University of Penn.

Mike's oldest son was 26 this week and his youngest is junior in high school. We will be visiting with them all at his mother's home this weekend.

My health is doing much better after last year's fix-it surgery. At least I am not the invalid that I believed that I would be. Unfortunately, I still owe the doctor $7500. I will pay it off slowly.

I am trying to start exercising again as I am slowly gaining weight. Today I did 20 minutes on the glider, plus I am trying to speed walk from the parking lot in Hershey to the office. My blood sugar has gone up since the weight gain so I have to take my exercise plan very seriously. Unfortunately, my electrolytes still remain on the edge and I suffer from leg cramps almost every night - especially when I have exercised.

Connie Walter died a few weeks ago. That was a terrible experience for her. I hope that my visits did something to aid her pain. I only hope that I do not go through a spiritual cleansing like she did, abandonment and astonishing hurt. But she is glad to be in heaven with her dear friend Beverly. BR&CF is having a special dinner for her next week. Although I really don't want to go and be with those people, I want to go to honor Connie. She deserved it.

I am disappointed that I haven't made any lasting friends. I do have some acquaintances and there is Mike and Bruce and my first cousins Abby, Harriet, Diane, Eddie and Norma, but other than that I feel quite alone in the world. Carol, Diane, Linda, Lisette, Fariha, Betty, Susan - all have about disappeared from my life. They are glad to catch-up if I call or contact them, but they never get in touch with me. I must admit that this is one of the big disappointments in my life - no close friends. I wonder what the future will bring.

Well, that is about it for now.


Rosalind 12:57 PM

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