Thursday, August 29, 2002
I cried. The mass was wonderful. The church was full. All the priests from the diocese were there. It is such a beautiful church. It is a circular shape with stained glass windows (deep blue the overriding color) extending 270 degrees around the sanctuary. He knew he was dying and called a few close people to ask them to talk at his funeral. They did a good job. The music, led by the Kellys was good too. The rain had stopped so we were able to walk across the street to the cemetery. The police stopped the traffic. There also was a delicious luncheon. Another single woman sat down near me and we started talking. We found an interesection in our lives other than knowing Father B. We both had attended the Catholic Church in Lynnbrook, NY where someone was shot to death last year. She grew up around there and I worked in Lynnbrook at the Robert Plan when I worked for Perot Systems.
I was emotionally overwrought for the rest of the day.
I will have to pack tomorrow night. We leave Saturday.
Rosalind 10:50 PM
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