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Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Here I am on a beautiful day at Myrtle Beach. The sky is blue and cloudless, The surf is coming in and the beach is mostly empty at this time. Earlier the sun danced on the waves sparkling like fairy dust. The angle is not quite right now. Kimberly and Ron arrived home yesterday and I head for home tomorrow morning.

Soon I will take a walk along the surf. I am waiting for the heat of the sun to diminish. I got up early this morning and walked to the Food Lion. I bought a jug of water and some medicine for the water blister on my back. (The heater in my seat car did this!) I found a hair salon and had my hair cut. This afternoon, I spent time resting and eating up some of the food we carried down here from PA.

I enjoyed this vacation. The Ripley's aquarium was a wonderful thing. Broadway at the Beach on the whole was rather nice. I will never forget the huge catfish and carp rising out of the water to get some of the fish food we threw in the water. Quite a sight!

The beach here is quite beautiful. It is tightly packed and great for walking. I love the pounding of the surf on the beach, the continuous roar. The white noise puts you in a spiritual frame of mind. If only I could discover some meaning in my life. But that is another blog.

Rosalind 3:29 PM

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