Sunday, September 15, 2002
I had seen the Dead Zone episode, so I decided to "go round" as I say to the dogs. We walk around the yard. Approximately six turns is about 1 mile. Walking at least 30 minutes a day is my latest resolution. I have been doing so regularly since Carol (my friend from work) retired at the end of May, although I started during my convalescence for my broken arms. No weight loss, but I think inches have dropped off and my stamina is better.
It was raining so I took an umbrella. Christopher stuck it out the whole way so he got pretty damp. Barkie ran to greet Ron when he heard his diesel pickup coming up the driveway after dropping Kimberly off at the barn. He rejoined us for the last two laps after Ron came out to sit on the covered front porch. Right now I am still hot and sweaty and a new episode I haven't seen is on.
Listening to the pattering of the rain on my umbrella during the walk, took me back to the summer of 1971 or 1972 . My ex-husband, my former apartment mate / bridesmaid, her husband and I went on a two week canoe trip to the Adirondacks. We went into a cycle, canoed one day, climbed a mountain the second day and rested on the third. Every third day it rained, our rest day. Richard, who a few years later joined the Hari Krishna and reneged on his fatherly and husbandly duties, was furious that we had brought a heavy tent and tarp. And rightly so, but we were glad that we had them on those rainy days. We sat inside a good part of the day and played cards or cribbage.
That trip turned out to be a trip of my lifetime. I will never forget the black flies and how they swarmed. One bit my butt at our hole in the ground latrine! It was painful! I am glad that no one really got hurt. I remember being a bit anxious when we were deep in the wilderness. What if Dave broke his leg or something. But we got back ok.
I had had that same fear a few years earlier when I took a walk in the hills surrounding my college campus. I tried to take a short cut and found myself fighting to find a way through the thorny shurbs that pulled at my clothes.
Interestingly, I had that same sort of experience just a few years ago. I was walking the dogs and I decided to make a big circle in the neighoring area. I walked deep into a field that made a dead end at a bushy area. I tried to get through but it was too dense. I got scratched up and dirty and had to walk back through the field to get home. I remembered the incident of the thorny shrubs during my college days then too.
And now I am reminded of my recurring childhood dream of being stuck on my bed, like glue, not being able to move, And that reminds me of multiple sclerosis that my friend Lynn and my brother suffer and suffered from. Which takes me to my own idiopathic neuropathy. My feet, my mouth, not numb, they feel pain, but strange sensations. Hot, tingly, also like a heavy mitt covering my feet or a thick coating on my tongue and gums. Very unpleasant.
But this is Mind Bleed.
Rosalind 2:03 PM
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