Tuesday, October 01, 2002
It has been so long since I have made an entry that I thought that I would write somethng even though I really have nothing to say!
The exciting news is that the database access part of my work web site is up and running. We have had 18 registrations so far. It only took over a year to get approval for this move. Talk about conservative!
The situation with Iraq, the stock market, the west coast shipping lockout and the attack on the Greyhound bus driver and subsequent accident dominate the news. I find myself unsure of the future and I put off adding to my IRA account even though stocks are so depressed now. The USA more than a year after 9/11/01...
The new Hannibal film, "Red Dragon", is out this week along with the "Moonlight Mile". The screenwriter and director of "Moonlight Mile" was on Larry King last night. It is about the emotional reaction to a senseless murder based on the screenwriter's own experience of losing his girlfriend to a crazed fan. I will see the former for the thrill and the latter for a better understanding of the handling of loss.
Last weekend, Ron and I went to see "One Hour Photo" with Robin Williams. It was a very interesting character study and the cinematography and music were notable. The movie itself lacked a deeper meaning. But it was worthwhile.
As I said, I had nothing to say...
Rosalind 8:09 AM
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