Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Well, fall is here. I am doing my lunchtime walking with a jacket or shawl now. No pretty leaves yet. Maybe it has been too hot or too dry.
Ron and I have been busy trimming shrubs. And they are (were) gigantic. It takes about an hour and a half just to pick up the trimmings! I guess my walking has been good for me. I was able to pick up all the trimmings without even being sore.
Ron is heading to Rochester this Friday. There was an explosion and he has to help clean it up. My class reunion is this weekend also, but I am not planning to go. And Ray should be in this weekend also. So it should be an interesting time.
Work has slowed down a bit but I am working on the website. Lots of possibilities there.
Rosalind 12:15 PM
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