///Mind Bleed///

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Monday, December 30, 2002

The end of December. The end of a year, but the beginning of a new one! New beginnings, such promise. How shall I use my time?

Yesterday with a careless toss, I broke a small section of the delicate wood lacing on my piano's page holder into little pieces. A few months ago, with a careless step, I almost slipped and fell down the very nasty basement stairs. And less than a year and a half ago, I broke my left forearm and right wrist. They will never be the same. It just takes a moment and one's life is forever changed.

The most important obligation is utilizing the time we are given in a helpful, beneficial, creative, and constructive way. It is frightening to think of the ways terrorists and criminals are using their time. It is sad to think about the ways many of us, including and especially me, are letting precious moments slip by. Weekends disappear now. I do very little that is creative. I don't volunteer. My little family and the pets, the house, bills, excercising, eating, cleaning, shopping etc. take some time. But the cable news channels and computer games gobble up the vast majority of my free time.

Such a waste! I am well informed -- ha! ha! And my brain is exercised, but it should be put to better use. I guess I am in a funk. I want to share but nobody is clamoring to use what I want to give. Maybe it is simply a matter of supply and demand! In general, I find that others aren't interested in what I want to share. I can either play more to the market or come to a place of peace about my lack of connection. I think that I prefer the latter. And time does move quickly. I must be enjoying my electronic adventures without the hassle of dealing with other personalities and all the complexity they add to living!

A place of peace... It is simple, a bit lonely, and quite purposeless, lacking meaning and any sense of significance. I do my prayers, doing my bit to hold this fragile world from imploding. Some believe that that IS the most significant thing one can do. Perhaps, perhaps not. But I will continue on that course. If anyone out there hears this, reads this...

Rosalind 3:14 PM

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