///Mind Bleed///

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Saturday, March 01, 2003

I just watched the videotape released by NASA of the Columbia disaster astronauts. It was very sad. They were so calm, of course with no realization that they were in the last minutes of their lives. I don't know which is worse, dying unexpectedly or dying slowly. Dying unexpectedly leaves so many things undone, so many loose ends. Dying slowly with full knowledge of that death gives you the chance to say good-bye to loved ones, say you are sorry to those you may have hurt, make financial preparations, funeral preparations. But fear and pain, sorrow about leaving loved ones, perhaps anger if your life is cut shorter than you expected, certainly cloud the last days.

I have come down from the high of Valentine's day when the wonderful cards from Ron and Kimberly made me feel loved, wanted and useful; back to my mundane existence of work, tv, computer games, walking, a few household chores, paying bills. I do want to take some more pictures. I enjoy working on them and it is a bit of a creative outlet. So is blogging!

Right now I do have some interesting projects going at work. The woman who handles much of the day to day data processing is retiring to take care of her newborn grandchild and great grandchild. There will probably be three months difference in age between the new babies. Her daughter will be taking over her position. The daughter had to go into "complete bed rest" so her training has been shorter than she would have liked. I am trying to streamline her job, making it more intuitive and simplier.
Also, I was working on a voice help system. That has been put on hold but it was fun to develop the prototype.

I am indeed looking forward to the end of this winter! Today it is damp and cold, a wintery mix was covering the ground earlier. Maybe later this afternoon I will take the dogs for a walk. I am also checking out flight costs so that I can visit Ray and Susan in late March, early April. Well enough mind bleed.

Rosalind 10:34 AM

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