///Mind Bleed///

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Friday, September 12, 2003

I miss my Instant Messenger friend. But we were abusing the system a bit. Yesterday I felt quite a bit better after chatting with him. I was discussing my lack of follow-through on projects and my sense of purposelessness. But the outcome, even though I lost my chat buddy, is that I am more determined to make better use of my time. I have to break this feeling of inner confusion when it comes to setting goals and completing projects.


1. Enhance my relationship with Ron, Kimberly, Ray, Bruce, Susan, Diane, Harriet, Aniece, Norma
2. Keep in touch with old friends – Carol, Fariha, Diane, Lynn
3. Attempt to find new friends.
4. Find a spiritual growth group!
5. Keep working on weight and exercise program.
6. Take more pictures and publish them to the web.
7. Document my life -- as uninteresting as it may seem to others. Blog it! Keep file copies.
8. Review my Spanish and start learning anew.
9. Get my online stock account opened and start using my stock analyzer program.
10. Get involved in the local Democratic Party.

Rosalind 10:49 AM

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