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Saturday, September 04, 2004

Hurricane Frances is very slowly attacking the Florida east coast. The horror of the rebel attack on the Russian school is sinking in. Former President Clinton is in the hospital awaiting bypass surgery. Bush got a 5 to 10 point bounce from the convention. All bad news. But my new toy keeps me informed all day long with being locked to the TV screen.

I bought one of those wireless earphones that pickup the TV sound. I mow the lawn, clean the house, walk the dogs and do all sorts of things now. I imagine that I will lose some weight from this. I feel so unfettered. I can listen to CNN and still get things done.

My big project for this Labor Day weekend is to plant some shade grass. Ron softened up the soil with the tractor and we put down some fertilizer that is safe for new growth. I soaked the soil to get the fertilizer working. Tomorrow morning we will put down the seed and cover it with straw.

I was outside most of the day and so was Christopher, my dog. He got over-tired and is now having a rough night. His cancer is getting worse. I am afraid that the dreaded time approaches. I will miss him so, but I don't want him to suffer.

Work is stressful but only a four day work week next week. I hope my vacation to Kitty Hawk will not be marred by a hurricane because I really am looking forward to it. It is a late hurricane season vacation, so I might do ok. Anytime away from the office is precious and I like to spend my free time doing things that I enjoy. I hope that I can take a horseback ride along the beach. The Wright Museum should be interesting also. But nothing is better than a long walk along the surf's edge; the constant roar, the salty spray, the dizzying movement of the water, the special smell of beach, the funny feeling as the sand melts away under your feet. It will be cool by the end of October, so I must remember to take a windbreaker parka. I hope Ron and Kimberly will join me for a long weekend.

Well, enough for now.

Rosalind 9:54 PM

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