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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

This is me. Still trying to get in shape and lose some weight. The quadruple bypass that former President Clinton has gone through this week has made that goal an even higher order priority. The remnants of hurricane Frances was in Pennsylvania today and the rain kept me from my usual lunchtime walk. I did go to the gym to work out just a bit, but I don't like getting all sweaty and then going back to my desk. I walked the dogs around the yard when I got home - trying to get those 10,000 steps in everyday (but I don't succeed.)

I called my senators and congressman to show that I was interested in renewing the assault weapon ban. I did something political! This past year has been my most political year of all - donations, meetings, calling my elected officials. That is progress.

The number of troops killed in Iraq went over 1000 this week, a grisly statistic. I was not for this war at all and was very worried about the aftermath. In all truth, I have no idea about what to do about the terrorism afflicting the world. Iraq appears to be an unnecessary and deadly dead-end in our fight against terrorism. $200 BILLION dollars (John Kerry) have already spent on this war, and terrorism gets stronger.

It is often said that at least the fight is on foreign soil, not here. But somehow that seems SO VERY SELFISH. About 11,000 Iraqi civilians have already died in this war (http://www.iraqbodycount.net). At least 68,336 lives lost from all sides, in all categories, to date according to http://www.infoshout.com/iraq%20death%20toll.htm. If we add all those who have died in terrorist attacks...

TOO MANY HAVE DIED - a truly horrifying statistic!

My smile in the picture seems a mismatch with the contents of this blog. Sorry.

Rosalind 9:02 PM

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