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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Photo Taken: 4/29/2005

Today I met a "lose weight" milestone and I am very happy. This "attain a healthy weight" thingy is quite a chore for me, but I do agree that it is very important (comes with age for any young 'uns reading this.) Unfortunately, it dominates my life. I did buy a talking pedometer. It is quite a motivator! 10,000 steps a day keeps the doctor away.

The great news is that the filibuster rule was not nuked in the Senate. Cool, moderate heads have prevailed. Fundamentalist religious groups throughout the world cause so much trouble. They are so sure that they are in the right. I agree with Abraham Lincoln. I don't claim that God is on my side, I only hope to be on God's side.

I was so proud of the way the United States separated religion from politics but now that separation has blurred. The rise of the political power of the religious right in this country marks a new historical page in US and World History. I hope the 8 years of the Bush II administration will be the end of this page too! It was such a disappointment when Ohio went Republican. 100,000 votes the wrong way.

I am still shocked when avid Bush supporters (and Bush himself) state that the war in Iraq is OK because it keeps the fighting out of this country. Sure that is great, but the thousands of dead Iraqis negates that justification. It certainly is not a "love thy neighbor as thyself" sentiment and sounds very strange coming out of fundamentalist Christian mouths!

Thought for the day:

Happiness is a journey not a destination.
So work like you don't need money,
Love like you have never been hurt,
And dance like no one is watching.

Rosalind 1:49 PM

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