///Mind Bleed///

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Friday, February 17, 2006


Mindfulness is…a meaningful state of mind. It means we
Have to be here now, in this very moment, and we have
to know what is happening internally and externally.
It means being alert to our motives and learning to
change unwholesome thoughts and emotions into
wholesome ones. Mindfulness is a mental activity that
in due course eliminates all suffering.

-Ayya Khema, "Be an Island"

My goals of working on my science fiction story and practicing Spanish have gone by the wayside! Self-discipline (self-control, motivation and perseverance) – out the window as usual. I have even gained some weight!

On the positive side, I have been walking regularly. I have to get back to using my elliptical trainer now that my operation and recovery is over.

I just do NOT RECOGNIZE controlling my intake of food (this is where mindfulness comes in) as an issue in self-control, which of course it is! I always give in to my desires too easily. It is rarely with pure junk food now, but the quantity is far too much so that even substitution is not really a help.

I also must start dividing up my after dinner hours in scheduled blocks if I am to get serious about my story and my Spanish skills. I am scheduling a two week Spanish Immersion course in Mexico in November so I have to get serious about reviewing what I know and learning anew.

Let’s see how I do.

4:15 - 7
After work Shopping, Banking etc., Dinner, News, Cleanup, Walk Dogs, Review Bills and Payments, Read Magazines

7 – 8
News, Elliptical Trainer, Shower – TV OFF

8 – 9
Spanish learning -- at desk!

9 – 10
Writing -- at desk!

10 +
Bed at last -- TV and computer games until sleep time!

Rosalind 10:30 AM

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