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Thursday, February 02, 2006

More on Self-Discipline

Essential Elements of Self-Discipline:

  • Self-Control – restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires.

  • Motivation – a motivating force, stimulus, or influence: INCENTIVE, DRIVE.

  • Perseverance – To persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement.

  • Goals – The end toward which effort is directed.

From: http://www.thefatmanwalking.com/

This fit so nicely into my own recent goal to build my capacity for self-discipline that I found it interesting that I decided to visit the fatmanwalking website for the first time since April 2005! Synchronicity or coincidence?

He had put up a quote from another site that I liked also:

I know that once I find inner happiness, I will also find a better balance. I was naive to think I could make permanent lifestyle changes in my attitude toward food simply based on self-discipline. I don't overeat because I am hungry. I overeat because that's how I choose to cope. Josie at http://thelosthawaiian.blogspot.com/

So, what are my demons that disturb my inner happiness, that cause me to cope by throwing off my self-control, to abandon my goals? What are those demons that kill my motivation and perseverance?

  • Abandonment, loneliness and isolation fears

  • Feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy

  • Sense of failure and purposelessness

  • Targeting as social scapegoat fears

  • Health scares

  • Safety scares

  • Economic fears

  • Political and social upheaval concerns

One thing that I notice that could keep me in a cycle of loss of self-discipline is the demon of a sense of failure and purposelessness. Abandoning my self-discipline leads to a sense of failure and purposelessness that in turn leads to coping by abandoning my self-discipline!

Perhaps in order to keep my balance, whenever I feel like giving into lack of self-control, motivation and perseverance, I should review the above listed demons to see if that is the source of the abandonment of my goals!

A new strategy to add to my repertoire! I am pleased with today’s insight.

Rosalind 4:02 PM

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