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Monday, August 06, 2007

The need for a meaningful life is found in our innermost self and it will drive us toward its actualization.

TOPIC: GOOD and EVIL and the Relationship to a MEANINGFUL LIFE:

1. What do we mean by GOOD? Are Building, Creating, Promoting Caring, Healing, Self-Knowledge, Promoting Honesty, Compassion, Understanding, Sharing, Discernment inherent in GOOD? What else can be added to this list?

2. What do we mean by EVIL? Are Destroying purposelessly, Promoting Rage and Pain, Promoting Deception, Unfeeling, Misunderstanding, Greed, Thoughtlessness inherent in EVIL? What else can be added to this list?

3. Is the drive to BE/DO GOOD/EVIL the meaning of our lives, our purpose?

4. Do you agree that most of us live our lives in the gray area between GOOD and EVIL?

5. How do we move our lives further toward the BE/DO GOOD end of the spectrum?

6. How to we find and understand our innermost self and its purpose?

7. Are there people who live at the BE/DO EVIL end of the spectrum? How should they be handled by a society striving for GOOD?

8. Does the lack of discernment or understanding of GOOD and EVIL excuse or mitigate EVIL behavior?

9. Does EVIL behavior in Second Life have implications for Real Life?

10. Can a person ever compensate for the damage that EVIL behavior brings about?

11. Is there a difference between DO GOOD/EVIL and BE GOOD/EVIL? What do they (does it) mean?

12. What is the meaning of actualization?

Rosalind 3:27 PM

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