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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I haven't blogged for a long time now. What issues are impacting my life?

I think the biggest issues are:

1. When to retire
2. When and if I want to make a monetary commitment to Mike
3. Do I want to keep the house and spend more money on it
4. Do I want to keep my present job

All are intertwined. Getting a new job in the area of my home is difficult. If I move will Mike come along? Or should I just pluck out the next 5 years at my current location and retire in 2015? That, of course, is if they keep me that long!

How would I fare if Mike and I broke up? I think that I would miss him more than I dare to think about.

The dog and cat are also a consideration. Both are getting older and is it fair to move them to strange place that probably will be less comforable for them. They both love their little park! Me too!

The yard is quite a bit of work as is all the remodeling that I am doing in the house right now. There is still much high priced work to get done:

1. New ceilings in the family room
2. Painting new ceilings
3. Hang fan from dining room in family room
4. New chandelier for dining room
5. The four season room
6. New ceilings and walls in the bedroom
7. Painting new ceilings and walls in bedroom
8. New king size mattress for bedroom and setting up bed
9. The roof
10. The driveway
11. Cutting down 3 trees
12. Adding a shower to the guest bathroom, tile floor
13. Fixing up the laundry room
14. Remodeling the kitchen, new cabinets or painting, tile floor
15. New front doors and storm doors
16. Removing wallpaper in living room
17. Painting inside of house
18. Hardwood floors in living, dining, den, hallway
19. Fix up garage
20. Fix up sheds
21. Landscaping - big time
22. Electrical work
23. Sideboard for dining room

For right now, I will keep plugging along with no big changes. I will see how long and far that gets me.

I am meeing Diane A. for lunch today. She was just laid off. She seems well adjusted to it and it will be a chance for her to spend more time with her mother.

Carol R. stopped by to see me at lunchtime. Her daughter was along with her. The daughter had her house sold, or so she thought, put all her stuff in storage and was planning to move in with her boyfriend. She and her boyfriend broke up, and the buyer got out of the sale at the last walkthrough. Now she is living with her parents with a week's worth of clothing!

All can change in the blink of an eye. Best to keep marching forward and hope all stays steady. I am just not willing to risk so much at this stage in my life. Hold course, steady as she goes!

Rosalind 10:54 AM

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