///Mind Bleed///

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mike and I are history. Just reading back over some old posts, creates a sense of loss of what he had at the beginning.  It was just too hard to give in to each other's eccentricities.

But new things are happening. I have done more in just these few weeks than Mike and I did in the last six months - so it has been exciting:

Eaten out at different restaurants
Played 3 Par Golf
Visited Longwood Gardens
Played trivia and enjoyed hot wings at Arooga's
Received a Samsung Tablet, an original charcoal drawing, an awful modern piece of art, a bottle of champagne (a gift to celebrate my new freedom) and flowers!

Not all men have been generous, but I was sure surprised.

I am working at Highmark as a contractor. The contract is over in October, so I am hoping that it will be renewed. If not, I will be having to make some big decisions.

I bought into a Verizon personal hotspot so I can take my Internet access just about everywhere. I am loving it although the data is limited to 4 gigs I have hardly put a dent in it.

So no great thoughts, but got myself up-to-date.

Rosalind 1:53 AM

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