///Mind Bleed///

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Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Hurt by not being loved --- again.
Abandonment, bewilderment as to
Why me?

It is painful and brings tears to the eyes,
Shortness of breath,
Almost a quiet pant.

How could I endure in that relationship for four years?
Such obvious behaviors that I chose to overlook as
Eccentricities or minor mental issues.

I recognized my foolishness.
This time much sooner than
In the case of Charlie;

And I took it to its limits
Either talk, change or get out
And out he went.

But that doesn't stop the hurt,
The bleeding inside,
The sense of loss.

Oh, I will endure.
I always have and I will come
Out better for the experience.

But in the meantime,
Keeping busy and active
Seems to quiet the emotions.

The house and yard will
Reap the benefits.
And so will I.

New people,
New opportunities,
New freedoms.

Time for change,
Spiritual growth,
Intellectual expansion.

Yes, I will endure.
Yes, I will be more.

"It is better to have loved
And lost, then
Never to have loved".

(Originally written 8/30/2012)

Rosalind 2:56 PM

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