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Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Real “I”

The real “I” is the awareness, the consciousness that is a drop in the ocean of Awareness/Consciousness surrounding everything.  You too are part of the Awareness/Consciousness – the degree of your participation depends upon how aware and conscious your “I” is aware and conscious that you are part of the Awareness/Consciousness surrounding everything.
Opening ourselves to the Awareness/Consciousness, allowing it to flow through us, to shine upon us, we become, we flourish.  We are the anti-entropic energy building, allowing more complexity, growing.  We are the hands, the builders, the manipulators of matter. We receive feedback about that creation through our senses.  Is the the Awareness/Consciousness aware and conscious of our creations, our senses?
What is it that we build when in contact with the Awareness/Consciousness:  loving, nurturing, sustaining environments conducive to awareness and consciousness and more life?  Blocked off from the Awareness/Consciousness do we build our Hells?  We can only test this.
So the first part of a spiritual journey is clearing the way for our melding with the Awareness/Consciousness.  We know that our true selves are not the matter surrounding us.  They also are not our thoughts, our emotions, our bodies, our intellectual gymnastics, our histories.  Once we realize we are a drop in the Awareness/Consciousness we can tap into its energy, its insights, its purposes – leaving behind our petty thoughts, emotions and mental constructs.  Now the real purpose of our lives can begin.
We must take the time to focus our awareness and consciousness on melding with the Awareness/Consciousness – commonly called meditation, prayer.  The whisper of the purposes of our lives will become, will take flight – at least, that is the promise.  We will know how to act, to build, to love, to create that is in tune with the purposes of the Awareness/Consciousness.
Our time will end but our creations will mark our brief existences.  Do good.  Live well.  Make your time count.


Rosalind 12:56 PM

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