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Friday, January 25, 2013

Written 12/06/2012
I have been under sexual assault these past  4 months.  Just because I put my name out on a dating site, does not mean that I am looking for a sexual relationship right away.  I want to be loved for me, not my sexual parts and expertise.
So, who am I that someone could love?
I am responsible
Fiscally sound
I work hard
I am spiritually oriented
I try to give love
Good conversationalist
Good listener
Good friend
Sexually shy – for good reason
I can lose my temper, but usually only when my buttons are pushed
I don’t feel good about my body image – for good reason
I can get immobilized when depressed, but that is getting more rare
What do I enjoy doing?
Working in my yard
Loving my dog
Watching  tv shows that I can learn from
Dining out – especially when not alone
Good conversation on a variety of topics, news, spirituality, new ideas, politics
Losing weight healthfully
Looking goooood
Following my spiritual bent, whether in discussion, meditation and prayer, reading, quiet  time, listening to talks on spirituality
I LOVE AND TOTALLY ENJOY BEING FREE from relationship compromises – music (I like classical almost exclusively), eating (what, when, how prepared, where), sexuality (how often, foreplay, positions, oral sex), activities and entertainment (what, how often, where, with whom), house and yard work (how to split chores, level of care in work, things needing to be done vs doing extra vs things that can wait)
Travel – beach, keeping in touch with relatives, exploring new cities, listening to classical music on the way,..
Playing computer duplicate bridge – a computer partner, no fuss, no muss

Rosalind 8:49 AM

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